Rain Drops on Roses

It's time for Julie again. It's been a long week (anyone else finding this, or is it merely grumpy old me?)

And we had Whinge-For-All Thursday 2 weeks ago, so I thought I'd do a Favourite Things Thursday today. (and sorry, but the only prize you get for a favourite things Thursday is feeling better about life. For 30 seconds, at least. But you should see what I'm knitting for the July Whinge-For-All.)

My favourite things, this week:

- Going to a lace knitting class, so I can work on the blogosphere baby shawl. I can knit lace, I'm just in deep trouble if I have to go back and unknit. I think the mother, who still hasn't guessed who she is, will like the fact that I can rip out stitches when my inability to count causes me yet another problem. You know, without having to start the whole thing again. . . .

- Glorious sunshine. My garden is sprouting. I will have spinach soon. (Anyone want spinach? I can't stand the stuff, and Mr. Spit is in Edson from now until the end of time)

- Cuddly cats. I don't actually have one, but I sure do like them.

- The fact I turned my stupid comments verification thing off. I could never read the darn letters, and I would try and try and keep flunking, and let's face it, I suck at enough stuff, I don't want to suck at leaving comments on my own blog. They will stay off until the pests invade. Hopefully they will take a long time to find us.

And what about you? What are your excited about?