If you wouldn't mind

So, I had an interesting post today about what my neighbour is doing (it's crazy and cool, and I really want to share it) but I absolutely can't figure out how to make my darn photo editing software turn a picture from landscape to portrait, so Laura (the neighbour) is standing on her head (except, obviously not really, in real life) and she looks just strange, and you can't see the canoe, which is an important part of what she's doing, and her partner is just home from seeing her, so I thought I'd go and see what he's got for me. . .

Anyway, so no post about Laura my neighbour. Maybe Thursday. And if you've got some good suggestions on SIMPLE photo editing software, leave a note in the comments. That's Request Number 1.


On Friday I discovered that the JuliaS, who's blog (and also this one) I thought I had been commenting on is actually this Julia instead (who, I don't think has commented, although I'm sure she's very nice.)

Anyway, it got me to wondering: are there any more of you out there wondering - "Mrs. Spit, I comment and comment on your blog, and you never even look at mine, never mind comment, and this relationship is just not working, and you are a selfish and thoughtless hag". So, would you mind just standing up and saying - "Hey I read" and if you have a blog, would you mind telling me which one? 'Cause I'm kind of stupid and confused that way. That's assignment 2.

That's all for Tuesday.